I have a list of things that I’d like to write about, but today I feel like sharing with you something that for some reason I decided to call ‘free thoughts’.

It’s 26/08/2022 and the world is such an uncertain place to live at the moment. There’s too much noise that can be harmful if you’re not able to control your actions and thoughts.

In case you pay attention to a lot of external things for instances, it is likely that you feel bad. What can you do about it? Well… it depends if those things are within your sphere of choice or not.

There’s inflation everywhere, war in Europe, climate change, negative news… there are way too many distractions nowadays and it becomes harder to focus on life itself.


We have to decide on what we CAN do to make things better. You can remove a lot of weight from your shoulders just from ‘ignoring’ things you can’t do nothing about.

Can You Stop The War?

Not likely, unless you belong to a powerful government, you can’t. What you can do is to enjoy your life in the meantime for the best of your capabilities. Learn, improve, repeat.

Can You Stop The Inflation?

Again, not likely, unless you have the power to influence billions (or should I say rather a few powerful) of people to do the right thing to the society. What you can do though, is to start investing e.g., in stocks, cryptocurrencies or crowdlending.

Can You Stop Negative News Or Social Media?

No, people are attracted by negative things because it makes them forget how their life is bad at some times. What you can do, if you seek a more positive life, is to NOT watch negative social media.

Either ignore it or subscribe to good content, unless you don’t mind constantly comparing yourself to other people rather than focusing on your own steps.

Can You Stop The Climate Change?

Alone… no! But you can do small contributions that will help if the majority also does the same. So what we can do collectively is to sensitize our peers.

Stay Positive

I know that sometimes this may seem too naive to say, but we have to keep happy as long as things go according to our human nature. Like the dolphins know how to swim, the bees how to create honey, we as humans should be able to continue creating good in the world.

Do you have any free thoughts that you’d also like to share? I’d like to read about them in the comment section below!


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